The Art of Decision Writing

By |2020-11-06T12:01:19+10:00October 17th, 2019|Events, Insurance Law, Self Insurance|

A Practical Introduction to Administrative Decision Writing Under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act Writing decisions to accept, reject and terminate claims can be time-consuming and difficult. Join our experts for breakfast and learn: How to write better decisions; [...]

BTLawyers / ASIEQ Event – June 20, 2019

By |2020-01-13T13:44:14+10:00May 21st, 2019|Events, Self Insurance|

BTLawyers is pleased to present the next ASIEQ Workshop Dissecting Wellness Programs Join BTLawyers and ASIEQ for breakfast as we explore the topic of Wellness Programs from a practical, psychiatric and occupational perspective. Workplace wellness programs can bring physical, mental and emotional benefits to [...]

Pre-employment Medicals

By |2019-12-19T11:29:01+10:00February 6th, 2018|HR/IR, Insurance Law, News|

Employers owe a high duty of care to its employees and a pre-employment medical examination may go towards fulfilling those obligations.  Such assessments can: Confirm an applicant is able to perform the inherent requirements of the role; Allow an employer [...]

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